


15 questions (2)

1. What is food waste?

2. Who is wasting all this food and why?

3. How does the food waste affect companies?

4. How would food waste problem affect the environment??

5. What is the most main problem hidden in food waste issue?

6. Which country is working hard facing the food waste problem the most?

7. How big is the problem in US?

8. How big is the problem in Japan?

9. Is there companies, restaurants having any donation using the unsold foods?

10. How much food is getting wasted in one day per family?

11. How much food(leftovers) is getting wasted in one day per family?

12. How is food recycled?

13. What can we do in my daily life to limit food waste?

14. Is it possible for us to vanish this problem from this world and why?

15. What is bad of wasting foods?

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