

what is food waste??

Hello. Welcome to our page. 
Our aim is to inform the serious issue considering the food wasting problem that the world has through our blog.

Let't start from the beginng. Do you know what food waste is? Food waste or food loss is food that is discarded or lost uneaten. The causes of food waste or loss are numerous, and occur at the stages of production, processing, retailing and consumption.

Now, you know what the food waste is, let`s check the food waste reality of Japan.
Every day, Japanese waste a ginormous amount of food. Approximately 28 million tons of food is wasted in Japan per year, including 642 thousand tons of leftovers, expired eatables, and food losses. Convert into one person, 1~2 rice ball gets wasted everyday, which is pretty astonishing. 

But actually, all about half of the food loss is wasted from the individual households.

Have you ever experienced the moment when you trash food even though you knew that was a MOTTAINAI thing to do?

food waste に対する画像結果

1 件のコメント:

  1. We're going to get used to citing the source for information we use in our blogs...that is, information which is not just "common knowledge." So, please let us know where you found the information that Japan wastes "28 million tons of food...per year, including 642 thousand tons of leftovers, expired eatables, and food losses."

    Joseph D.
