

Perspective 1 Second harvest japan

First perspective is second harvest japan. 
This is  food bank first in japan. They receive food loss which we can still eat from company, farmer, personal, and so on, then give them to child care facilities, shelter for victim of DV, and homeless people.   
The name of second harvest” comes from to harvest from a farm that is already harvested again.
Then, do you know  food bank?
Food bank  is a non-profit, charitable organization that distributes food to those who have difficulty purchasing enough food to avoid hungerFood bank has many merit for receiver, company, government.
For receiver, 
 1 Save food cost.
       2 They experience pleasure about food.
       3 They get feeling of satisfaction of mind and body.
For company,
1 Reduction of discard cost and environmental burden
 2 Implementation of the social welfare activity  
For government,
1 Reduction of loss food
 2 Reduction of financial burden

 3 Regional vitalization
Their activity is 
1.Harvest kitchen(炊き出し)
2.Harvest pantry
3.Food bank action
4. Advocacy & Development
Their goal is  Our goal is to succeed food bank network in japan, To construct food safety network
,To reinforce food life line.

HARVEST(セカンドハーベスト・ジャパン), S. (n.d.). SECOND HARVEST(セカンドハーベスト・ジャパン). Retrieved June 21, 2017, from http://2hj.org/

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