

Answer to my questions 2

I'm going to answer to my 4 questions.

5 How does food bank work?

To answer to this question, I would like to explain about the system of Food bank.

Let me quote the web site, Second harvest japan. “On the one there is surplus food, and on the other hand there are those in need. Food banks are a bridge between the two. We connect “Donors” who have surplus food and “beneficiaries” who are in need of food support.”

So, they collect surplus food that is still we eatable, then distribute them to people who need food.

Also, I think this picture is helpful for you to understand this system.

     HARVEST(セカンドハーベスト・ジャパン), S. (n.d.). 活動内容・実績 | SECOND HARVEST(セカンドハーベスト・ジャパン). Retrieved July 11, 2017, from http://2hj.org/activity/

    Food Bank of North Alabama. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2017, from https://www.foodbanknorthal.org/

6 Are there laws about food waste?

The answer is yes. There is a Food recycling law in japan.
Overview of this food recycling law is

食品の売れ残りや食べ残しにより、又は食品の製造過程において大量に発生している食品廃 棄物について、発生抑制と減量化により最終的に処分される量を減少させるとともに、飼料や 肥料等の原材料として再生利用するため、食品関連事業者(製造、流通、外食等)による食品 循環資源の再生利用等を促進する。

And also, in  France, loss foods (still safe for eat) from grocery stores are banned by law in 2016.
And they are also obligated to donate these food to charitable organizations.

  食品リサイクル法について. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2017, from http://www.maff.go.jp/j/shokusan/recycle/syokuhin/s_about/

   フランス:売れ残り食料、廃棄禁止...大型スーパー. (2016, February 17). Retrieved July 13, 2017, from https://mainichi.jp/articles/20160218/k00/00m/030/016000c

8 When did the food bank activity start?

The activity of food bank started in America about 40 years ago. In japan, Charles E. McJilton, who were used to be student studying abroad and now is representative of second harvest japan, started distributing boiled rice in 2000, this resulted in second harvest japan.
Then, food bank activities are conducted in each place in japan.

The world’s first food bank was established in the US in 1967, and since then many thousands have been set up all over the world. In Europe, which until recently had little need for food banks due to extensive welfare systems, their numbers have grown rapidly since the 2006 and even faster since the global economic crisis.

フードバンクとは. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2017, from http://foodbank-niigata.org/?page_id=24

 Food poverty. (n.d.). Retrieved July 13, 2017, from http://www.foodpoverty.org.uk/food-banks/history/

11 What is the aim of food bank?

The aim of the food bank is to provide emergency food to people in short term crisis. It is a simple concept designed to help people in short term crisis by offering free emergency food for seven days for up to four visits.

When you are on a low income, a sudden crisis such as bereavement, ill health redundancy, marital break up or even an unexpected bill, can leave you unable to feed yourself or your family. Food Bank works to help people who find themselves in these situations by directing them to relevant agencies.

In the case of processed food, we prefer to have at least one month left before expiration in order for us to safely deliver the donation well ahead of its expiration. We do not deliver expired food and we request agencies to dispose of any donations that have expired after being delivered.
     About New Hope Food Bank. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2017, from http://www.newhopefoodbank.org.uk/foodbank.html

     HARVEST(セカンドハーベスト・ジャパン), S. (n.d.). 食べ物の問題・フードバンクとは|私たちが目指すもの|SECOND HARVEST(セカンドハーベスト・ジャパン). Retrieved July 13, 2017, from http://2hj.org/vision/problem/

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