

Answer to my questions 3

I’m going to answer to my 4 questions.

9 Which country does most emit food waste?

Let me quote from web site of World economic forum, “Not surprisingly, most of this wastage occurs in the developed world; per capita food waste by consumers (not including the production process) in Europe and North America is around 95-115kg per year, compared to just 6-11kg in sub-Saharan Africa and South/South-East Asia. Large amounts of food is still lost during the production process in developing countries, however, due to lack of infrastructure and poor equipment. Wastage at the consumption stage in these countries, meanwhile, is drastically less than developed nations”

As you can see, North America and Oceania is no1. But, think about per person, japan is also top class of food waste.

In addition, I found interesting article. In EU, Netherlands emit loss food most.

In 2010, 541kg of loss food were emitted per person.

N. (2017, May 17). EU域内の食品廃棄量、最多はオランダ EU・食品・飲料. Retrieved July 15, 2017, from https://europe.nna.jp/news/show/1609400

Written by Ross Chainey, Digital Media Specialist, World Economic Forum. (2015, August 13). Which countries waste the most food? Retrieved July 15, 2017, fromhttps://www.weforum.org/agenda/2015/08/which-countries-waste-the-most-food/

10 How much does japan waste food?
According to food and agriculture organization of the united nations, “Japan discards approximately 18 million tons of food annually, including 642 thousand tons of leftovers, expired eatables, and food losses. an amount that accounts for 40% of national food production.”
Also, the price is eleven trillion.
     日本人は11兆円も食べ物を無駄にしている!深刻な食品廃棄問題-Suzie(スージー). (2016, February 18). Retrieved July 15, 2017, from http://suzie-news.jp/archives/15440
     FAO.org. (n.d.). Retrieved July 15, 2017, from http://www.fao.org/home/en/

14 What does farmer think about food waste?

They think that farming activity is effective to reduce food loos.
People who experienced it said that thanks to consciousness changes through farming activity, the leavings decreased. Farmers hope through this experience, they want people to feel as many things as possible.

Additionally, the original circulatory system, “Yasaikuru” started in japan, Kanagawa prefecture.
In this system, restaurants change raw garbage into compost, then offer them to farmers.
Farmers ship vegetables which were cultivated with the compost to restaurants.
They said that they wanted to establish this system.

      農業体験で食品ロスの削減!?. (2016, May 11). Retrieved July 23, 2017, from http://hana-fu.com/blog/13748/
     Company, T. A. (2010, September 06). 飲食店と農家の「ヤサイクル」 生ごみ堆肥、栽培・出荷. Retrieved July 23, 2017, from http://www.asahi.com/eco/TKY201009050326.html

15 How does producer feel about food waste?

I want to introduce two opinions.

1)Owner of 河野乾魚店, MUtsuko Kouno said “As a producer of dried fish, I want people to eat many kinds of fish dearly and deliciously.
To give information about recipe of dried fish, then to get interested in fish are effective for reduction food loss campaign.  

2)前田農業合資会社, Shigeo maeda said
"I think there are people who don’t know the meaning of leftovers in the world.
It might be extreme, we should take actions while there are stockable foods in refrigerator. Leftovers shouldn’t mean just its vain. "

      フードソムリエ. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2017, from http://www.food-sommelier.jp/zero/message_ss.html


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