

NGO presentation

We established NGO group. The name is “Mr. mottainaiZ”

Our mission is “to find the way to reduce food waste” and our goal is to reduce food waste as possible as we can in Japan.

We have some activity to achieve them.

We got feedbacks from our classmate. Most of them had a good impression to our NGO.

Some people said “the name of group is funny”, and others said our presentation was clear to understand. One student said “activities we can try from today is really useful”. We were happy to hear that. I want to say thanks to mu classmate to give me feedbacks.

To create fictional NGO was a little difficult. We considered ideas carefully. We wanted to create catchy and unique NGO, so we thought many unique activity which any other NGO haven’t done yet. Through this final presentation, I could learn more about food waste issue. I hope a lot of people come to be interested in food waste issue.


Survey summary

I conducted a food waste survey.  I want to say thank you to all respondents who participated in my survey monkey survey. Thanks to your cooperation, I could get a lot of useful information.

In all, 13 people answered my survey. I think this number of respondents are not enough, but I can get other people opinions. These are very helpful for me.

The age of respondents is from 19 to 22. It is young, and same generation as me. So I could know our generation’s opinion.

 I found some interesting result in my survey. First, question1, I asked “are you interested in food waste?” About 70 percent of respondents answered “yes”. I was surprise to know this fact, I though young people were not interested in this issue so much. But at the same time, 30 % of them are not interested in food waste. I hope them to get interested in this issue through my blog.

 In question5, I asked “do you know the concept of food bank?”. Surprisingly, about 92% of them didn’t know. I was very shocked to know that. It is true that FOOD BANK is not so common in japan. About 8 % answered “yes”, but actually I found that they a little misunderstand.

 Another surprising fact is all of them don’t have any idea to reduce food waste. They are interested in food waste, but they don’t know the solution. This is contradictive.  I think it is time to find the way to reduce food waste together.

 Moreover, about 70 % of them have wasted food before, because they couldn’t eat everything because of full, missed the best before date and so on. I found from this, food waste problem is common issue to us.

 All in all, I could know social opinion through this survey, it help me to make a conclusion about this issue. Thank you for everyone.

Answer to my questions4

I am going to answer to these quetions.

1 What can we do to reduce food loss?
Planning, prepping, and storing food can help your household waste less food. Below are some tips to help you do just that: Planning Tips, Storage Tips, Prep Tips, Thriftiness Tips.
Planning Tips   By simply making a list with weekly meals in mind, you can save money and time and eat healthier food. If you buy no more than what you expect to use, you will be more likely to keep it fresh and use it all.

Storage Tips    It is easy to overbuy or forget about fresh fruits and vegetables. Store fruits and vegetables for maximum freshness; they’ll taste better and last longer, helping you to eat more of them.

Prep Tips   Prepare perishable foods soon after shopping. It will be easier to whip up meals or snacks later in the week, saving time, effort, and money.

Thriftiness Tips   Be mindful of old ingredients and leftovers you need to use up. You’ll waste less and may even find a new favorite dish.

Also, what we can do is, to Shop the refrigerator before going to the store Use food at home before buying more. Designate one meal weekly as a "use-it-up" meal.
To buy misshapen fruits and vegetables at farmers' markets and elsewhere is also effective. They taste just as good and are just as nutritious as those with a "perfect" shape but are more likely to get thrown away.

     Reducing Wasted Food At Home. (2017, April 17). Retrieved July 24, 2017, from https://www.epa.gov/recycle/reducing-wasted-food-home
    University of Nebraska-Lincoln | Web Developer Network. (n.d.). 14 Ways Consumers Can Reduce Food Waste. Retrieved July 24, 2017, from http://food.unl.edu/14-ways-consumers-can-reduce-food-waste

12 What kind of campany does emitt food waste?

This answer is food service industry. This means this kind emit loss food and leftovers.
For example, restaurant.
Moreover, convenience stores emit much food loss. About 12-15 kg food loss are emitted from convenience stores a day in japan. It is estimated that at least 10000 yen worth of food are wasted.

     月刊「環境ビジネス」2008年10月号 食品リサイクル. (n.d.). Retrieved July 24, 2017, from http://www.kankyo-business.jp/old_contents/magazine/article_0810.html
    食品廃棄物の現状. (n.d.). Retrieved July 24, 2017, from http://www.env.go.jp/recycle/food/gaiyo04.html

13 How many organization related to food waste are there in the world?

Actually, I couldn’t find any information about how many organization related to food waste are there in the world.
So, I want introduce the number of Japanese food bank organizations.
There are 28 food bank organizations which have regal personality, and there are 12 organizations which don’t have regal personality.
All of them are involved with food bank. In japan, almost each prefecture has food bank.
They are located every region of the country.   

In addition, first national organization was founded in 2015. 11 prefectures in japan took part in it. They share know-how of management and fund raising.

     (n.d.). Retrieved July 24, 2017, from http://www.maff.go.jp/j/shokusan/recycle/syoku_loss/foodbank/2014_shokai/
    フードバンク全国組織、13日に発足 11県の団体参加. (2015, November 12). Retrieved July 24, 2017, from http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLASDG11H6W_S5A111C1CR0000/


Answer to my questions 3

I’m going to answer to my 4 questions.

9 Which country does most emit food waste?

Let me quote from web site of World economic forum, “Not surprisingly, most of this wastage occurs in the developed world; per capita food waste by consumers (not including the production process) in Europe and North America is around 95-115kg per year, compared to just 6-11kg in sub-Saharan Africa and South/South-East Asia. Large amounts of food is still lost during the production process in developing countries, however, due to lack of infrastructure and poor equipment. Wastage at the consumption stage in these countries, meanwhile, is drastically less than developed nations”

As you can see, North America and Oceania is no1. But, think about per person, japan is also top class of food waste.

In addition, I found interesting article. In EU, Netherlands emit loss food most.

In 2010, 541kg of loss food were emitted per person.

N. (2017, May 17). EU域内の食品廃棄量、最多はオランダ EU・食品・飲料. Retrieved July 15, 2017, from https://europe.nna.jp/news/show/1609400

Written by Ross Chainey, Digital Media Specialist, World Economic Forum. (2015, August 13). Which countries waste the most food? Retrieved July 15, 2017, fromhttps://www.weforum.org/agenda/2015/08/which-countries-waste-the-most-food/

10 How much does japan waste food?
According to food and agriculture organization of the united nations, “Japan discards approximately 18 million tons of food annually, including 642 thousand tons of leftovers, expired eatables, and food losses. an amount that accounts for 40% of national food production.”
Also, the price is eleven trillion.
     日本人は11兆円も食べ物を無駄にしている!深刻な食品廃棄問題-Suzie(スージー). (2016, February 18). Retrieved July 15, 2017, from http://suzie-news.jp/archives/15440
     FAO.org. (n.d.). Retrieved July 15, 2017, from http://www.fao.org/home/en/

14 What does farmer think about food waste?

They think that farming activity is effective to reduce food loos.
People who experienced it said that thanks to consciousness changes through farming activity, the leavings decreased. Farmers hope through this experience, they want people to feel as many things as possible.

Additionally, the original circulatory system, “Yasaikuru” started in japan, Kanagawa prefecture.
In this system, restaurants change raw garbage into compost, then offer them to farmers.
Farmers ship vegetables which were cultivated with the compost to restaurants.
They said that they wanted to establish this system.

      農業体験で食品ロスの削減!?. (2016, May 11). Retrieved July 23, 2017, from http://hana-fu.com/blog/13748/
     Company, T. A. (2010, September 06). 飲食店と農家の「ヤサイクル」 生ごみ堆肥、栽培・出荷. Retrieved July 23, 2017, from http://www.asahi.com/eco/TKY201009050326.html

15 How does producer feel about food waste?

I want to introduce two opinions.

1)Owner of 河野乾魚店, MUtsuko Kouno said “As a producer of dried fish, I want people to eat many kinds of fish dearly and deliciously.
To give information about recipe of dried fish, then to get interested in fish are effective for reduction food loss campaign.  

2)前田農業合資会社, Shigeo maeda said
"I think there are people who don’t know the meaning of leftovers in the world.
It might be extreme, we should take actions while there are stockable foods in refrigerator. Leftovers shouldn’t mean just its vain. "

      フードソムリエ. (n.d.). Retrieved July 23, 2017, from http://www.food-sommelier.jp/zero/message_ss.html



Answer to my questions 2

I'm going to answer to my 4 questions.

5 How does food bank work?

To answer to this question, I would like to explain about the system of Food bank.

Let me quote the web site, Second harvest japan. “On the one there is surplus food, and on the other hand there are those in need. Food banks are a bridge between the two. We connect “Donors” who have surplus food and “beneficiaries” who are in need of food support.”

So, they collect surplus food that is still we eatable, then distribute them to people who need food.

Also, I think this picture is helpful for you to understand this system.

     HARVEST(セカンドハーベスト・ジャパン), S. (n.d.). 活動内容・実績 | SECOND HARVEST(セカンドハーベスト・ジャパン). Retrieved July 11, 2017, from http://2hj.org/activity/

    Food Bank of North Alabama. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2017, from https://www.foodbanknorthal.org/

6 Are there laws about food waste?

The answer is yes. There is a Food recycling law in japan.
Overview of this food recycling law is

食品の売れ残りや食べ残しにより、又は食品の製造過程において大量に発生している食品廃 棄物について、発生抑制と減量化により最終的に処分される量を減少させるとともに、飼料や 肥料等の原材料として再生利用するため、食品関連事業者(製造、流通、外食等)による食品 循環資源の再生利用等を促進する。

And also, in  France, loss foods (still safe for eat) from grocery stores are banned by law in 2016.
And they are also obligated to donate these food to charitable organizations.

  食品リサイクル法について. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2017, from http://www.maff.go.jp/j/shokusan/recycle/syokuhin/s_about/

   フランス:売れ残り食料、廃棄禁止...大型スーパー. (2016, February 17). Retrieved July 13, 2017, from https://mainichi.jp/articles/20160218/k00/00m/030/016000c

8 When did the food bank activity start?

The activity of food bank started in America about 40 years ago. In japan, Charles E. McJilton, who were used to be student studying abroad and now is representative of second harvest japan, started distributing boiled rice in 2000, this resulted in second harvest japan.
Then, food bank activities are conducted in each place in japan.

The world’s first food bank was established in the US in 1967, and since then many thousands have been set up all over the world. In Europe, which until recently had little need for food banks due to extensive welfare systems, their numbers have grown rapidly since the 2006 and even faster since the global economic crisis.

フードバンクとは. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2017, from http://foodbank-niigata.org/?page_id=24

 Food poverty. (n.d.). Retrieved July 13, 2017, from http://www.foodpoverty.org.uk/food-banks/history/

11 What is the aim of food bank?

The aim of the food bank is to provide emergency food to people in short term crisis. It is a simple concept designed to help people in short term crisis by offering free emergency food for seven days for up to four visits.

When you are on a low income, a sudden crisis such as bereavement, ill health redundancy, marital break up or even an unexpected bill, can leave you unable to feed yourself or your family. Food Bank works to help people who find themselves in these situations by directing them to relevant agencies.

In the case of processed food, we prefer to have at least one month left before expiration in order for us to safely deliver the donation well ahead of its expiration. We do not deliver expired food and we request agencies to dispose of any donations that have expired after being delivered.
     About New Hope Food Bank. (n.d.). Retrieved July 11, 2017, from http://www.newhopefoodbank.org.uk/foodbank.html

     HARVEST(セカンドハーベスト・ジャパン), S. (n.d.). 食べ物の問題・フードバンクとは|私たちが目指すもの|SECOND HARVEST(セカンドハーベスト・ジャパン). Retrieved July 13, 2017, from http://2hj.org/vision/problem/


Making discoveries through using "word clouds"

Food and agriculture organization of united nations
Food Loss and Food Waste. (n.d.). Retrieved July 06, 2017, from http://www.fao.org/food-loss-and-food-waste/en/
Japan for sustainability
Food Waste in Japan|JFS Japan for Sustainability. (n.d.). Retrieved July 06, 2017, from http://www.japanfs.org/en/news/archives/news_id027774.html

I made these two images by using word clouds.
As you can see, Food and agriculture organization of United Nations emphasizes “Food”.
I think this has many meaning, such as loos food, waste food.
In this term, I think they want to say that all food is related to food waste, and we all have something to do with this issue.

I also made a picture of Japan for sustainability.
From this picture,  I found words "waste" and "Food".
These are similar to Food and agriculture organization of United Nations.
Additionaly, I found "hotel","recycle" and "increasing".
In this term, hotel is one of factor of place which waste food. And, recycle  is important thing to solve this issue.
"increasing" is also key word ,  I think this issue is getting worse, amount of waste food is getting increasing.
I think they want to emphasize food waste issue is a familiar social problem.

So, we should have a storong emotion.



I want you to click this URL, and answer questions.
This survey is one of our project and ask you some questions about food waste. Please cooperate.

This survey takes about 5~10 minuets.

And you don’t have to write your name.


Our current thinking

Our current thinking is still focused on food waste is not formally informed to citizens.

And that wasting food is not good thing of course, but it is also a wrong thing that we are not trying to inform this reality to the people in this world that are actually wasting food.

After our presentation in class, it made us reconsider that we need to know more about this problem deeply and find out a way to work this out.

Answering to my question 2

Who is wasting all of these food and why?

Resteraunts, fast food resteraunts, families, even at school cafeteria wastes food.

It is a hard thing to prevent the food waste from thes facilities.

According to the website,
Food is thrown away by producers, retailers, but above all by end consumers. It is a vicious circle that must be broken, starting by properly planning what we put in our cupboards. The European Union as a whole throws away about 90 million tons of food, at an average of about 180 kilos per person. “This waste comes from the whole food chain, from agricultural production to storage, processing, distribution, management and end consumption of food”, explains Soledad Blanco, the former Director of Sustainable Resource Management at the European Commission’s Environment DG. “Wasting food is economically damaging, environmentally wrong and morally unacceptable, especially when considering the quantity of resources required to produce this amount of food”. By tackling waste, we could guarantee up to three fifths of the increased demand required to feed the world’s population, which will reach over 9 billion people by 2050.


Key facts on food loss and waste you should know! (n.d.). Retrieved June 29, 2017, from http://www.fao.org/save-food/resources/keyfindings/en/

Answer to my question

Today, I'd like to answer these 4 questions.

2 What is merit of food bank for company?
3 What is merit of food bank for reciever?
4 What is merit of food bank for government?
7 What is demerit of food bank?

Answer to 2, For company, the merits are reduction of discard cost and environmental burden, and implementation of the social welfare activity.
According to Scond harvest japan, the average disposal cost is about 100 per kilogram, and by donating rather than dumping, companies can reduce their disposal costs.
Donating food is a kind of Corporate Social Responsibility. To do so, it means, a valuable impact on the community. And, According to LIFE AGAIN, to join food bank, if they don't waste food, they don't emit CO2、then it help global warming prevention.  This is a reduction of environmental burden.
So,  the answers are reduction of discaed cost and environmental burden and, implementation of the social welfare activity.

Answer to 3, For reciever, thanks to food bank, they can save their food cost. According to Second harvest japan, One mother and child support facility could reduce its food cost (average cost of one meal without food donation is ¥173.2、then, with food donation is ¥105.8)
Additionaly, the article of Yonezawa nippo says that reciever can realize links with the community.
So,  the answers are save food cost, and feeling links with the community.

Answer to 4, For government, they can reduce loss food, and they can do regional vitalization.
The difference between best before day and expiration date is easy to misunderstand for us.
They promote interplonation about this defference, and how to reserve food. This action also leads to reduction of food loss.
Also it is important for local communities to support the elderly. According to Second harvest japan, By encouraging citizens to volunteer, and by making use of food banks to support both the elderly and those in need, local governments can work with NPOs  to create a “food safety net” for their community.
Moreover, government can reduce their financial burden. Let me quote the web site of Food bank kagosima, "Using donated food to support welfare recipients can help reduce welfare budgets and enrich the nation as a whole."
So, the answers are they can reduce loss food, and they can do regional vitalization.

Answer to 7, the demerit is regional differences.
Food bank in big city tend to recieve more donation than food bank in rural area, this is a problem of food bank.

     HARVEST(セカンドハーベスト・ジャパン), S. (n.d.). 活動内容・実績 | SECOND HARVEST(セカンドハーベスト・ジャパン). Retrieved June 29, 2017, from http://2hj.org/activity/

     特定非営利活動法人フードバンク北九州ライフアゲイン. (n.d.). Retrieved June 29, 2017, from http://fbkitaq.net/

     (n.d.). Retrieved June 29, 2017, from http://www.yonezawa-np.jp/html/news/2011/201111250.html

     フードバンクかごしま. (n.d.). Retrieved June 29, 2017, from http://ksnk.org/

    Woder Bridge. (n.d.). Retrieved June 29, 2017, from http://wonderbridge.net/oyakudachi/1468/

Good website

I think this is a good website.
〈Food and agriculture organization of the united nations〉

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is a specialised agency of uneted nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. They serve both developing and developed country.
This organization also helps developing countries and countries in transition modernize and improve agriculture, forestry and fisheries practices, ensuring good nutrition and food security for all.

In their official website, they upload their original movie, which introduce what they are, and also introduce their acivity clearly. They show what they did until now with many pictures.

Moreovere, reasons why I thought this cite was good are,
1 It has multi lingual translation
2 Related to Unated Nations(It means this is very reliable)
3 It has many links to SNS(such as facebook, twitter)

Thanks to multi lingual translation tool, people all over the world can understand, and reliability is important factor for us to get knowlde about this kind of issue.
SNS is very useful, so we can get imformation easily.

FAO.org. (n.d.). Retrieved June 22, 2017, from http://www.fao.org/home/en/


Answering to one of my research questions

What is food waste?

Food waste is food that is discarded or lost uneaten. The causes of food waste or loss are numerous, and occur at the stages of productionprocessing, retailing and consumption.

Generally, food loss or food waste is food that is discarded or uneaten. However, precise definitions are contentious, often defined on a situational basis Professional bodies, including international organizations, state governments and secretariats may use their own definitions.

Definitions of food waste vary, among other things, in what food waste consists of, how it is produced, and where or what it is discarded from or generated by. Definitions also vary because certain groups do not consider food waste to be a waste material, due to its applications. Some definitions of what food waste consists of are based on other waste definitions and which materials do not meet their definitions

Food waste. (2017, June 21). Retrieved June 29, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_waste#United_Nations

Food Loss and Food Waste. (n.d.). Retrieved June 29, 2017, from http://www.fao.org/food-loss-and-food-waste/en/

Bad website

The website I showed last week, is the website of the nongovernmental groups official website. It is shown very nice and neat and is capable of discovering information about group Hunger Free World.

However, it is quite uneasy to get a full information.
There is also Japan`s Hunger Free World official website. Comparing this websites, it is quite obvious which one is easier for us to get information on.

Perspective 4

Hunger Free World is an nongovernmental international organization dedicated to creating a world free of hunger. HFW is based in Japan and is currently operating in four countries overseas including Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, and Uganda.

They carry out community development together with the people such as improving nutritional conditions and access to education in order to free these areas from hunger.

Therefore, HFW is focusing on people to know more about the hunger issue that is happening right now in this world. They use a game called "Ending Hunger Game" one of their awareness raising tools.

Also they have "Unused postcard redemption campaign" that initially encourages people to help recycle valuable resources and then serves as a way to make people aware that they can contribute to reducing world hunger.

(n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2017, from http://www.hungerfree.net/english/


15 questions (2)

1. What is food waste?

2. Who is wasting all this food and why?

3. How does the food waste affect companies?

4. How would food waste problem affect the environment??

5. What is the most main problem hidden in food waste issue?

6. Which country is working hard facing the food waste problem the most?

7. How big is the problem in US?

8. How big is the problem in Japan?

9. Is there companies, restaurants having any donation using the unsold foods?

10. How much food is getting wasted in one day per family?

11. How much food(leftovers) is getting wasted in one day per family?

12. How is food recycled?

13. What can we do in my daily life to limit food waste?

14. Is it possible for us to vanish this problem from this world and why?

15. What is bad of wasting foods?

15 questions

These are questions related to this topic. And these help you to understand this issue easily.
I would like to answer these all questions on this blog.

1 What can we do to reduce food loss?
2 What is merit of food bank for company?
3 What is merit of food bank for reciever?
4 What is merit of food bank for government?
5 How does food bank work?
6 Are there laws about food waste?
7 What is demerit of food bank?
8 When did the food bank activity start?
9 Which country does most emitt food waste?
10 How much does japan waste food?
11 What is the aim of food bank?
12 What kind of cunpany does emitt food waste?
13 How many organazation related to food waste are there in the world?
14 What does farmer think about food waste?
15 How does producer feel about food waste?

Perspective 2 Tokyo government.

Second perspective is Tokyo government.
Tokyo is conducting many activity to encourage reduction of food loos, ant they want us to know MOTTAINAI situation.
For example,
1, Food bank matching seminar
2, Tabekirigenman Project

This is amount of food loss in tokyo.
As you can see, wasted from family.

To reduce these food, tokyo made a plan baced on food recycle law.
Food recycle law went into effect in 2001, and its aim is to use food loss effectivly.
Targets of this law is factories related to food, hotel, supermarket, restaurant company.
It purpose was to reduce 20% of annual emissions by 2006. But they couldnt accieve it, then they continue trying.

食品廃棄物・食品ロス対策. (n.d.). Retrieved June 21, 2017, from http://www.kankyo.metro.tokyo.jp/resource/recycle/food_waste/

Perspective 3

Starbucks is now donating unsold food in Chicago.

Ever wonder what happens to all those mini scones, sandwiches, and cookies at the end of the day at the Starbucks?

Until recently, the answer would have been "they got tossed away", but thanks to the partnership between Starbucks and Greater Chicago Food Depository, it changed.

There`s over 200 Starbucks locations in Chicago. But first they`re starting at 118 and planning to scale it to all stores. That means something like 2000-30000 pounds of fresh food a day being distributed directly to shelters.

But this isn`t an east feat. If we pick up food and taking it directly to partner agencies, they have to be sure it`s time and temperature controlled.

In addition to providing leftovers, perfectly delicious food to their three partner shelters, because much of the food is packaged by Starbucks already, it allowed recipients to take meals with them to eat outside of the shelter.

So, The Food Depository has added extra vans, drivers and hours of work.

Anthony Todd in Food on May 18, 2017 10:24 am. (n.d.). Starbucks Is Now Donating Unsold Food To The Greater Chicago Food Depository. Retrieved June 28, 2017, from http://chicagoist.com/2017/05/18/starbucks_has_begun_donating_all_wa.php

Perspective 1 Second harvest japan

First perspective is second harvest japan. 
This is  food bank first in japan. They receive food loss which we can still eat from company, farmer, personal, and so on, then give them to child care facilities, shelter for victim of DV, and homeless people.   
The name of second harvest” comes from to harvest from a farm that is already harvested again.
Then, do you know  food bank?
Food bank  is a non-profit, charitable organization that distributes food to those who have difficulty purchasing enough food to avoid hungerFood bank has many merit for receiver, company, government.
For receiver, 
 1 Save food cost.
       2 They experience pleasure about food.
       3 They get feeling of satisfaction of mind and body.
For company,
1 Reduction of discard cost and environmental burden
 2 Implementation of the social welfare activity  
For government,
1 Reduction of loss food
 2 Reduction of financial burden

 3 Regional vitalization
Their activity is 
1.Harvest kitchen(炊き出し)
2.Harvest pantry
3.Food bank action
4. Advocacy & Development
Their goal is  Our goal is to succeed food bank network in japan, To construct food safety network
,To reinforce food life line.

HARVEST(セカンドハーベスト・ジャパン), S. (n.d.). SECOND HARVEST(セカンドハーベスト・ジャパン). Retrieved June 21, 2017, from http://2hj.org/


what is food waste??

Hello. Welcome to our page. 
Our aim is to inform the serious issue considering the food wasting problem that the world has through our blog.

Let't start from the beginng. Do you know what food waste is? Food waste or food loss is food that is discarded or lost uneaten. The causes of food waste or loss are numerous, and occur at the stages of production, processing, retailing and consumption.

Now, you know what the food waste is, let`s check the food waste reality of Japan.
Every day, Japanese waste a ginormous amount of food. Approximately 28 million tons of food is wasted in Japan per year, including 642 thousand tons of leftovers, expired eatables, and food losses. Convert into one person, 1~2 rice ball gets wasted everyday, which is pretty astonishing. 

But actually, all about half of the food loss is wasted from the individual households.

Have you ever experienced the moment when you trash food even though you knew that was a MOTTAINAI thing to do?

food waste に対する画像結果